Sunday, June 13, 2010


As if the word doesn't speak for itself, Steroetypes are the things we assosiate with certain groups of people. Especially here, in America. Whether it be race or religion, sexuality or body weight. There is always a classification in society about everything.

Say a woman decides she is lesbian, no one would truly believe this beautiful woman, who is above feminine to be lesbian. Because society says if your a "dyke" for lack of a better term, you must have boyish manerisms and of course cut of all your hair. Did it ever occur to someone that we are not all the same although a majority of or " label " is like this.

But of course no label deems you uncool. Not valid in society. If you don't label yourself than society has to do it for you. What you get, you may not like or it may not be you at all. If YOU as an American want change. You have to shed those thoughts society has given you and have a new perspective.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Unknown. Smart? Genius? Hidden genius? Dumb? Is she a star or the average Joe shying into the oblivion; lost in a world where everyone is not equivalent but only a status.

Does Rachel, that unknown lazy , funny yet totally clutzy girl from Illinois represent one of the greatest problems in America?

Does Rachel represent YOU?


There may be honesty and there may be lieing, but there is never TRUST. Trust is just a word we use, a lie , a cover up. It is basically a desire and in our brains our instincts tell us that trust no one. Not even your closest family member. Any day they may decide that your not a close family member. And hurt you severely. Always keep up you guard, it says, ALWAYS.
We don't trust. We're just honest. Everyday is another challenge, another game. Trust makes everything just look pretty.

Trust is the problem in this country.....Trust is ignorant of reality.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Reasons to Read

The only reason I have for reading blogs is to learn about anothers opinion. Especially if that someone is a fellow citizen.