Monday, October 18, 2010

Loss of Language

A couple of years ago I started writing a book. Of course I didn't finish because of how obviously ridiculous and time consuming it was. "Izania" as it was called was about to lovers not meant for each others world. A modern "Romeo and Juliet" of sorts but angled toward the reading levels of teens. Both of these lovers were naturally born knowing the language English. Yet they had no ability,nor did they want to, to learn the language of their own people.
This correlates with what I am speaking about today.( I have decided to blog every day) Loss of language. The creatures in "Izania" loss their language because of threats of discovery. Today we ave absolutely no threats but are losing our language any way. Not just because of convenient technology but because we are simply lazy. We have dumbed down the way we think because of the inconvenience "long-winded" responses give. Not you? Think about it.
In an English class I took. Many of us had failed a certain spelling test. It was hard and confusing. It asked we too much from us. What was all of our excuses? We didn't know them. Granted we were still in school and many other thing, but a matter of fact we didn't know because we were immersed in the easy way out instead of actually learning.
Language is so important. If we loose what else do we have. What happened to those sweet sounding words that usually came out of one's mouth? The phrase "What's up?" won't help us in government. In a social life. In a career. Its the bases of all discoveries. We need our language. We need all those words to better define our lives for the people to come, for the next few generations.
What's crackin' , America?

Saturday, October 16, 2010


I just saw the movie "The Social Network." I was intrigued by the thought process of each individual involved. It was interesting but not surprising how when you factor in money everything that really matters go down the drain. Things like friendships and yourself as a person. The worth of your soul is much less important than the worth of your work, ideas, and overall the worth of your flesh, skin, bone, blood.
"Online." The creation of " The Facebook" was not the first idea of its kind. What I loved most was how people just eat this idea like it was candy. It was--it is so important to stay connected to someone's profile instead of the person himself. The laziness of man is remarkably odd. Perhaps even more hilarious than one would think. What is this constant need for communication. As I sit here and type I wonder if someone will text me. Even notice if I'm breathing. Why is this so?
In one of the trailers for this movie a rendition of the song "Creep" By Radiohead(rendition by Scala and Kolacny Brothers) states the most vital thing that helps us understand this. " I want you to notice/ when I'm not around." Its that need of recognition that keeps us "updating" what we are doing every second even if we know only we care if we are going to swimming practice or getting braces.
We need to log off, shut down, turn off, and disconnect. Go outside and say hi to a neighbor.
Live life in the moment. In the right now. What else is there to text, America?